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Legacy Rosemary $50 Flower

Legacy Rosemary $50 Flower

Product of
$50.00 ea
Not available on click & collect.

Buy a bunch of rosemary and support Legacy today

Harris Farm is very proud to support Sydney Legacy with “Operation Rosemary” for the 9th consecutive year to support over 52,000 Australian families suffering after incapacitating injury or death of a loved one during their defence force service. Australians have worn a sprig of rosemary - the “remembrance herb” - on their lapels for decades as a sign of remembrance and respect for our fallen and wounded diggers.

In what has become an annual Harris family tradition, the Harris family grows rosemary on their farm in the Megalong Valley. Peter Lynch generously donates rosemary plants every second year to replace the oldest plants. In a normal year, the local community in Megalong gathers about a week before ANZAC Day to harvest the whole crop. Harris Farm usually donates most of this to Legacy, who then break it up into small sprigs for their volunteers to sell for a gold coin at various ceremonies around Sydney. The remaining rosemary, if any, we bunch and sell in our shops and donate those proceeds to Legacy. These efforts in initial years raised a small amount and this has now grown to over $100,000 dollars a year. Sadly, due to the events that have transpired this year & the social distancing measures now in place upon us all, none of this will happen and Legacy will miss out on the funds they need to provide safety, care and support to defence families. This is compounded by the fact that ANZAC Day commemorations will be compromised, reducing the likely impact of Legacy fundraising this year.

This ANZAC Day - though it may be one in isolation - you can still show your support for our veterans and their families at Harris Farm. We will be selling bunches for both $10 or $50; they’re the same bunches, but you can choose at which price point you would like to donate, with all proceeds going straight to Legacy.

For more information on how you can support Legacy, visit www.legacy.com.au

Help support veterans & their families this ANZAC Day.

*If you would like a tax deductible receipt, you can forward your order confirmation to fundraising@sydney-legacy.com.au