Pick of the Week - Menindee White Seedless Grapes

As I have mentioned in my market update, this is the time of the year that the better grapes start. My pick of the week is one of the two main varieties of white grapes grown in quantity called Menindee White Seedless Grapes. This name refers to the variety rather than where they come from - in fact Menindee is no longer the significant growing area it was twenty years ago.

The Menindees have excellent flavour but the skin is a little tougher than the other known white grapes variety called Thompsons. The Menindees tend to be more oval shaped whereas the Thompsons more oblong.

Grapes are rich in compounds known as phytonutrients - active substances in plant foods which appear to help fight disease and enhance health. Menindee white seedless grapes in particular white grapes have a high sugar content, with half as glucose, and half as fructose.

When buying grapes, choose firm, plump clusters that are securely attached to their stems. Stems should be green and fresh. Check for the silvery coating or natural bloom that protects the fruit’s freshness.

To keep grapes fresh, store them in an airtight container or in a sealed plastic bag in the fridge. If eaten slightly chilled, they will be slightly crispier. For longer lasting grapes, always rinse them just before use.

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