Pick of the Week - Lebanese cucumbers

Pick of the Week - Leb Cucumbers

My pick this week is the fourth most commonly produced vegetable in the world - Lebanese cucumbers. They are a very mild, slender, deep green vegetable and they grow in popularity every year. World production is now in excess of 60 million tonnes, much of this in China. The seeds are completely edible and all over the world in winter and summer this product is highly sought after. Besides being a wonderful base for different combinations of vegetable juice, the product is attributed with many health benefits. It is high in antioxidants and vitamins A, C and K as well as Potassium. Besides being low in calories they are mildly diuretic so help to check weight gain and high blood pressure. They are great for you and taste great and this week they are very attractively priced at Harris Farm stores.

Choose those with bright-green skins and a firm, fresh appearance. Avoid those with soft spots or yellowing colour.

Store in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper for up to five days.

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