Dave's Market Update 27.05.2014


In fruit news it's all about a fantastic special on freshly picked sweet Red Crimson seedless grapes. Grown in Robinvale in the north western corner of Victoria, they're sweet and crunchy and at a red hot price this week - a must for the shopping list. Queensland Imperial mandarins are this season's best eating and a popular choice for the kids, while Pink Ladies are the pick of the apples this week. Plus, now's the time to check out some out some of the new season pear varieties in store - Bure Bosc, Corella and Josephine pears are all available and good eating. The warm weather has kept seedless melon high on the shopping list. The fruit is coming from Darwin and sweet and crunchy, it's some of the best melon this country produces.


The current magnificent weather brings plenty of good news - leafy vegetables such as English spinach, silver beet, shallots, beetroot, Chinese vegetables and kale have all flourished and the quality and value is excellent. Other vegetables in good supply include Chinese cabbage, Brussel sprouts, black zucchini, Telegraph cucumbers, cauliflower, pumpkins, broccoli, green capsicums and eggplant. Tomatoes are looking like easing in price over the next few days. My pick are the flavoursome Truss tomatoes - sold on the vine for maximum freshness making them sweeter and tastier.

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