This fabulous Sydney weather is just great for our business. My breakfasts over the weekend were all absolutely delicious fruit and yoghurt. Territory mangoes led the charge together with Blueberries (now at the lowest price so far this year) and papaya with a sprinkle of lime juice. Add to this whichever of our huge range of yogurts you prefer and you have a healthy, delicious and reasonably priced meal. Perhaps add a kiwi fruit or a sliced up banana, or a topless sweet pineapple, all very well priced this week, if you want to.
Warmer than normal weather has accelerated supply of many of the traditional spring vegetables. Victorian artichokes are probably as cheap as we have seen them in a decade, they are a real taste treat if you haven’t tried them before, and simple to prepare though they are a vegetable that many of our customers have not tried. There are lots of other bargains as well. Asparagus is as good as it gets, while beans, corn and celery all continue to be oversupplied. Broccoli and kale are both cheap and good and in a true sign that Spring is now with us we are seeing all those wonderful snacking tomatoes in punnets begin to fall in price. To my surprise all the cucumbers have eased a little, often unseasonally hot weather as we experienced last weekend will burn some crops, however this did not happen. In our house we also love a bit of stewed rhubarb to round off the meal. Just ideal on these warm mornings.