Dave's Market Update 07.07.15


The winter berry season is now in full swing. Strawberries are absolutely sensational, Blueberries are now much sweeter than a few weeks ago and Raspberries (which used to not be available in July at all twelve or so years ago) are now half the price they were just one year ago. So all are well priced and eating well. I love a mix of berries with some papaya or a sweet pineapple plus one of our fantastic yogurts (love the sheep or goat Meredith, the Shaw River Buffalo and of course our Pure Pastures from Jersey cows range) for a healthy delicious breakfast. Kiwi and Kiwi Gold stocks are building up and all the odd varieties of mandarins are now starting to flow into the market. Blood oranges are now arriving from southern growing areas where the best fruit comes from, far better than the rather insipid Queensland fruit that the supermarkets have been selling for the last couple of weeks. Finally, bananas look to be in plentiful supply which really suits the kids for back to school next week.


We have had some really cold weather in the last week (minus 6 at our farm Sunday morning) but quiet trading conditions have meant most prices have remained stable even with reduced quantities of stock coming to market. Three fabulous winter veg that are very well priced are broccoli, corn and caulies. Snow peas also are well priced. Potatoes and capsicums continue in the doldrums, red caps particularly are very much cheaper than is normal for this time of the year. I think these all go fantastically with our curious cut meat offer. You really should sample the ribs - they are delicious.

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