Choice Cuts - 16.02.16

Buy Pork Belly Online

We have a really special week ahead with a sensational mix of goods including some juicy pork bellies. These should be a real hit with the continuation of Chinese New Year celebrations and definitely something everyone seems to love eating. I think ill be mashing some celeriac and slicing some belly onto it. It just seems to be a match made in heaven.

Our beef this week is a new one for us, as in we haven’t promoted it before. Perfectly sized at around a kilo each, the Grass Fed Girello Roasts will be a sure hit with all shoppers. These are a hind quarter cut, and will work exceptionally well with a nice red wine and garlic sauce, or just a homemade gravy. I don’t often talk about a sauce with our products, but this really is one of those cuts that appreciate it. It isn’t overly beefy, but it is grass fed high quality out of Victoria, but sometimes you need to live by Manu Fieldel’s number one rule: sauce is a must!

The other smashing deal this week is the tender juicy lamb racks. This time of year it’s crumbed cutlets and Greek salad on my plate, but these are exceptional on the Weber slowly done so the fat renders down. For those not so excited about the fat on these, it is very easy to rip that fat cap off and cook it as a lean rack of lamb.

For a nice snack for those entertaining this week, grab a pack of our fresh chicken tenderloins. These are also excellent as a panko schnitzel, as they don’t need any work before you crumb them, they are a perfect size. Also being a skinnier piece of meat they make excellent filler for a nice healthy wrap for lunch.

Finally, for our deli section... our Dandy Middle Bacon is very cheap, I don’t know that you’ll find a better price. We also have the super popular San Danielle Prosciutto on special as well. This is our most popular imported ham line, so don’t miss out!

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