Choice Cuts - 07.04.15

I know after this weekend everyone will be sick of chocolate, but I will keep the theme of rich eating alive for a few more days. How so you ask? Pork Belly of course. I have been trying to get hold of a suitable parcel for awhile now because you guys love it, I love it, and jeez it’s easy to cook and please the family with. There is something really satisfying about pork belly when you serve it up, especially dipped in a nice sour apple sauce, yum!

I had a couple of beef options this week, but the standout for me was the Yearling Grass-Fed Rump Steak. This is all beef from the south coast and inland across to Cootamundra region. It is a perfect size rump, meaning we can slice it a bit thicker and give our shoppers a better eating experience as a result. Too often beef is cut thinly to achieve a price point. With Greek Easter a week after our traditional Aussie Easter, it was an easy decision to continue with Lamb Legs for another week. The price is excellent, size of the product perfect, and is beautiful sweet lamb from Breakout River.

It has been some time since I last promoted the best bacon in Australia. Pialligo was last year judged the best in the country, and it seems most agree. It is superb, unique, and this week is at a price that you won’t be able to resist. We also have some very traditional style Chorizo from Northern NSW manufacturers Salumi who do a fantastic job. There is also the double smoked leg ham portion which I thought would be great value for the kids on holidays to make a super sandwich with.

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